ترکیب فعل با حرف اضافه
در زیر افعالی آورده شده اند که با from همراه می شوند. هر یک از افعال با مثالی همرااه شده است.
bar someone from (doing)
something - Jack has barred Jennifer from
visiting his daughter.
bar someone from a place - The police barred
Peter from the shopping mall.
benefit from (doing) something - Students benefit
from listening to news reports on the radio.
derive something from something - He derived the
meaning from the context of the sentence.
deter someone from (doing) something - Please
deter your children from walking across busy
differ from something - Our cheese differs from
our competitor's cheese because of its superior
distinguish one thing from another thing - I'm
afraid he can't distinguish a British accent from a
Irish accent.
distract someone from something - Please distract
Tim from the television.
exempt someone from (doing) something - The judge
exempted the young man from doing extra community
expel someone from a place - The children were
expelled form school for their bad behavior.
refrain from (doing) something - Nancy refrains
from smoking at work.
resign from (doing) something - Jacques resigned
from his position.
result from (doing) something - The unrest
results from our politicians lack of seriousness
about the situation.
stem from (doing) something - The poor results
stem from his lack of experience.
suffer from (doing) something - He will suffer
from studying too little.
میزان یادگیری خود را نسبت به حالت های ترکیبی فعل با حرف اضافه را با انجام تست های زیر ارزیابی کنید.
فعل + حرف اضافه 1
فعل + حرف اضافه 2