Guide to Present Tenses راهنمای زمان های حال

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Guide to Present Tenses راهنمای زمان های حال

نکات ابتدایی: زمان های حال

در مورد زمان های حال دو زمان اصلی وجود دارد: زمان حال ساده و حال استمراری. این دو مورد کاملاً متفاوت هستند. عموماً از ززمان حال ساده برای بیان عادات روزمره و فعالیت های تکراری استفاده می شود.

در اینجا به بررسی چند نمونه و ساختار زمان حال ساده خواهیم پرداخت.

شرایط دائمی و بلند مدت

Where do you work?
The store opens at 9 o'clock.
She lives in New York.

عادات معمولی و اعمال تکرارشونده

I usually get up at 7 o'clock.
She doesn't often go to the cinema.
When do they usually have lunch?

واقعیت های بدون تغییر

The Earth revolves around the Sun.
What does 'strange' mean?
Water doesn't boil at 20 degrees.


I love walking around late at night during the summer.
She hates flying!
What do you like? I don't want to live in Texas.

ایده ها و حالات ذهنی

He doesn't agree with you.
I think he is a wonderful student.
What do you consider your best accomplishment?

برنامه ها و جدول های زمانبندی

The plane leaves at 4 p.m.
When do courses begin this semester?
The train doesn't arrive until 10.35.

اصطلاحات زمانی متناسب با این زمان عبارتند از:

usually, always, often, sometimes, on Saturdays, at weekends (on weekends US English), rarely, on occasion, never, seldom

ساختار زمان حال ساده


Subject + Verb + Objects

I, You, We, They -> eat lunch at noon.

Subject + Verb + s + Objects

He, She, It -> works well in any situation.


S + do not (don't) + Verb + Objects

I, You, We, They -> don't enjoy opera.

S + does not (doesn't) + Verb + Objects

He, She, It -> doesn't belong to the club.


(Why, What, etc.) + do + S + Verb + Objects?

Do -> I, you, we, they -> work in this town?

(Why, What, etc.) + does + S + Verb + Objects?

Does -> he, she, it -> live in this city?

زمان حال استمراری

برای بیان عملی که در حال حاضر در حال انجام است

  • What are you doing?

  • She's reading in the garden.  
    They're not standing in the rain.

در مورد اعمالی که در زمانی نزدیک زمان حال در حال انجام باشد

  • I'm reading "The Surgeon's Mate" by Patrick O'Brian. 
    Whose account are you working on? 

  • She's studying hard for her final exam.

در مورد برنامه ریزی های آینده و قرارهایی که برای آینده در نظر گرفته شده اند

  • We're having leftovers this evening. 
    What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? 

  • he isn't coming on Friday.

عبارت های زمانی که با زمان حال استمراری کاربرد دارند، عبارتند از

at the moment, now, today, this week, this month, tomorrow, next week (for future arrangements ), currently



صرف فعل "be" + verb + -ing.

I'm (I am) -> working today.
You're (You are) -> working today.
He's (He is) -> working today.
She's (She is) -> working today.
It's (It is) -> working today.
We're (We are) -> working today.
You're (You are) -> working today.
They're (They are) -> working today.


صرف فعل "be" + not + verb + -ing.

I'm not (I am not) -> coming this evening.
You aren't (You are not) -> coming this evening.
He isn't (He is not) -> coming this evening.
She isn't (She is not) -> coming this evening.
It isn't (It is not) -> coming this evening.
We aren't (We are not) -> coming this evening.
You aren't (You are not) -> coming this evening.
They aren't (They are not) -> coming this evening.


کلمه پرسشی +  'be'صرف فعل  + subject + verb + -ing

What -> are you -> doing this afternoon?
What -> is he -> doing this afternoon?
What -> is she -> doing this afternoon?
What -> is it -> doing this afternoon?
What -> are we -> doing this afternoon?
What -> are you -> doing this afternoon?
What -> are they -> doing this afternoon?


ساختار حال استمراری


Subject + conjugate the helping verb "be" + verb + -ing.

I'm, You're, He's, She's, We're, You're, They're -> working today.


Subject + conjugate the helping verb "be" + not + verb + -ing.

I'm not, You aren't, He isn't, She isn't, We aren't, You aren't, They aren't -> coming this evening.


Question word + conjugate the helping verb 'be' + subject + verb + -ing

What -> are you, they -> doing this afternoon?
What -> is he, she -> doing this afternoon?

در مورد استفاده از زمان حال ساده نحوه کاربرد قید های تکرار هم از اهمیت خاصی برخوردار است.

I often go out on Saturday nights.
They usually take the bus to work.

تست های زمان حال


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