افعال بیقاعده - جملات نمونه در تمامی زمان ها meet
در این صفحه لیستی از حالت های مختلف فعل meet در زمان های مختلف بصورت معلوم و مجهول آورده شده است.
Base Form meet / Past Simple met / Past Participle met / Gerund meeting
Present Simple
We usually meet on Friday afternoons.
Present Simple Passive
New employees are usually met by management on Monday mornings.
Present Continuous
We are meeting with a new client this morning.
Present Continuous Passive
A new client is being met at the train station this morning.
Present Perfect
Have you met Cheryl yet?
Present Perfect Passive
Has Cheryl been met at the train station yet?
Present Perfect Continuous
We have been meeting new people for more than two hours.
Past Simple
My wife and met at an English school.
Past Simple Passive
They were met at the airport by company representatives.
Past Continuous
We were meeting with Tom when he interrupted with the news.
Past Continuous Passive
Tom was being met with when he interrupted with the news.
Past Perfect
Janet had already met Jack when I introduced them.
Past Perfect Passive
They clients had already been met at the airport when I went to pick them up.
Past Perfect Continuous
We had been meeting for two hours when he finally arrived.
Future (will)
She will meet Jack at the airport.
Future (will) passive
Jack will be met by someone at the airport.
Future (going to)
Nancy is going to meet Fred in Pairs next week.
Future (going to) passive
Fred is going to be met in Paris next week by the council.
Future Continuous
We will be meeting the new clients this time tomorrow.
Future Perfect
Our friends will have met many challenges by the time they finish the project.
Future Possibility
She might meet me at the airport.
Real Conditional
If she meets me at the airport, she will give me a ride home.
Unreal Conditional
If she met me at the airport, she would give me a ride home.
Past Unreal Conditional
If she had met me at the airport, she would have given me a ride home.
Present Modal
She can meet Tim at the station.
Past Modal
She must have met him before last week.
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