افعال بیقاعده - جملات نمونه در تمامی زمان ها learn
در این صفحه لیستی از حالت های مختلف فعل learn در زمان های مختلف بصورت معلوم و مجهول آورده شده است.
Base Form learn / Past Simple learned/learnt / Past Participle learned/learnt / Gerund learning
Present Simple
She learns languages quickly.
Present Simple Passive
Math is learnt slowly by some.
Present Continuous
Jack is currently learning Russian.
Present Continuous Passive
Russian is being learnt by the students.
Present Perfect
Angela has learnt four languages.
Present Perfect Passive
Four languages have been learnt by Angela.
Present Perfect Continuous
Angela has been learning Arabic for the past few months.
Past Simple
Jennifer learnt how to play poker yesterday evening.
Past Simple Passive
Poker was learnt quickly by all.
Past Continuous
She was learning her lesson when he telephoned.
Past Continuous Passive
The lesson was being learnt when he arrived.
Past Perfect
She had learnt the song by heart before Jack did.
Past Perfect Passive
The song had learnt by heart by the class before the singer arrived.
Past Perfect Continuous
Our children had been learning English for two months before we moved.
Future (will)
She will learn quickly.
Future (will) passive
A new song will be learnt soon.
Future (going to)
She is going to learn a new language next year.
Future (going to) passive
A new song is going to be learnt next week.
Future Continuous
This time next week we will be learning in a new classroom.
Future Perfect
She will have learnt everything by the end of the month.
Future Possibility
She might learn something new.
Real Conditional
If she learns Russian, she will travel to Moscow.
Unreal Conditional
If she learnt Russian, she would travel to Moscow.
Past Unreal Conditional
If she had learnt Russian, she would have traveled to Moscow.
Present Modal
She can learn easily.
Past Modal
She can't have learnt that so quickly!
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