افعال بیقاعده - جملات نمونه در تمامی زمان ها keep
در این صفحه لیستی از حالت های مختلف فعل keep در زمان های مختلف بصورت معلوم و مجهول آورده شده است.
Base Form keep / Past Simple kept / Past Participle kept / Gerund keeping
Present Simple
She keeps all her birthday cards every year.
Present Simple Passive
The key is kept by the doorman.
Present Continuous
He is currently keeping up the house while his parents are away.
Present Continuous Passive
The house is being kept up by Jason while his parents are away.
Present Perfect
I'm afraid I haven't kept up with the news recently.
Present Perfect Passive
The information has been kept up to date by Alice.
Present Perfect Continuous
We have been keeping bees for the last few years.
Past Simple
She kept a diary while she was on holiday.
Past Simple Passive
A journal was kept by the teacher on each student.
Past Continuous
They were keeping watch over the house when it was broken into by thieves.
Past Continuous Passive
The house was being kept watch over by the Wilson's when it was broken into by thieves.
Past Perfect
The had kept an expense journal before they moved to New York.
Past Perfect Passive
An expense journal had been kept before they moved to New York.
Past Perfect Continuous
We had been keeping up with the Jones before they moved to Los Angeles.
Future (will)
She will keep the children while we are away.
Future (will) passive
The children will be kept by Cheryl while we are away.
Future (going to)
Cheryl is going to keep the children during the holidays.
Future (going to) passive
The children are going to be kept by Cheryl during the holidays.
Future Continuous
They will be keeping a record of the meeting tomorrow afternoon.
Future Perfect
Janice will have been kept up to date so you can ask her.
Future Possibility
She might keep that present.
Real Conditional
If she keeps up exercising, she will be in great shape.
Unreal Conditional
If she kept up exercising, she would be in great shape.
Past Unreal Conditional
If she had kept up exercising, she would have been in great shape.
Present Modal
She should keep up with the class.
Past Modal
Harry might have kept up with the developments.
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