افعال بیقاعده - جملات نمونه در تمامی زمان ها cut
در این صفحه لیستی از حالت های مختلف فعل cut در زمان های مختلف بصورت معلوم و مجهول آورده شده است.
Base Form cut / Past Simple cut / Past Participle cut / Gerund cutting
Present Simple
I cut paper with those scissors.
Present Simple Passive
Paper is cut by John.
Present Continuous
He is cutting the figures out now.
Present Continuous Passive
The figures are being cut out now.
Present Perfect
Jack has cut out fifteen figures.
Present Perfect Passive
Fifteen figures have been cut out by John.
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been cutting out figures for the past twenty minutes.
Past Simple
He cut out twenty figures yesterday.
Past Simple Passive
Twenty figures were cut out yesterday.
Past Continuous
He was cutting the paper when she came into the room.
Past Continuous Passive
The paper was being cut when she came into the room.
Past Perfect
Jane had cut out the figures before they began the work on pasting.
Past Perfect Passive
The figures had been cut out before they began the work on pasting.
Past Perfect Continuous
They had been cutting out figures for two hours before they began they difficult work.
Future (will)
She will cut those out. Don't worry.
Future (will) passive
Those figures will be cut out by Jack.
Future (going to)
Jack is going to cut those figures out.
Future (going to) passive
Those figures are going to be cut out by Jack.
Future Continuous
We will be cutting figures out at two tomorrow afternoon.
Future Perfect
Jack will have cut out all the figures by the time we begin.
Future Possibility
Jennifer might cut class tomorrow.
Real Conditional
If she cuts class, the teacher will be angry.
Unreal Conditional
If she cut class, the teacher would be angry.
Past Unreal Conditional
If she had cut class, the teacher would have been angry.
Present Modal
You must cut these out before you begin.
Past Modal
Jack might have cut out those figures.