افعال بیقاعده - جملات نمونه در تمامی زمان ها catch
در این صفحه لیستی از حالت های مختلف فعل catch در زمان های مختلف بصورت معلوم و مجهول آورده شده است.
Base Form catch /Past Simple caught[/] / Past Participle caught / Gerund catching
Present Simple
He catches the train at nine o'clock.
Present Simple Passive
The ball is caught by the player at first base.
Present Continuous
They are catching on fast!
Present Continuous Passive
The train is being caught by a number of fans.
Present Perfect
He has caught a cold.
Present Perfect Passive
That train has been caught by more than one million travelers.
Present Perfect Continuous
He has been catching on slowly.
Past Simple
Peter caught the ball.
Past Simple Passive
The ball was caught by Peter.
Past Continuous
He was catching the train when he bumped into her.
Past Continuous Passive
The train was being caught by hundreds of travelers when the announcement rang out.
Past Perfect
I had caught twenty butterflies by the time she arrived.
Past Perfect Passive
Twenty butterflies had been caught by the time she arrived.
Past Perfect Continuous
She had been catching butterflies when they arrived.
Future (will)
Anna will catch the next train to Boston.
Future (will) passive
That fish will be caught soon.
Future (going to)
Michael is going to catch the ball!
Future (going to) passive
The ball is going to be caught by Michael!
Future Continuous
This time next week I will be catching the train to Boston.
Future Perfect
By the end he will have caught more than 50 butterflies.
Future Possibility
She may catch a cold.
Real Conditional
If she catches a cold, she should see a doctor.
Unreal Conditional
If she caught on faster, she would do better in school.
Past Unreal Conditional
If they had caught the early train, they would have arrived on time.
Present Modal
I can catch the next train.
Past Modal
He can't have caught the wrong train!