افعال بیقاعده - جملات نمونه در تمامی زمان ها buy
در این صفحه لیستی از حالت های مختلف فعل buy در زمان های مختلف بصورت معلوم و مجهول آورده شده است.
Base Form buy / Past Simple bought / Past Participle bought / Gerund buying
Present Simple
Jack usually buys his groceries on Saturdays.
Present Simple Passive
The supplies are usually bought on Friday afternoons.
Present Continuous
They are buying a new house this month.
Present Continuous Passive
That house is being bought by the Thompson's.
Present Perfect
We have bought a number of antique chairs.
Present Perfect Passive
Those antique chairs were bought by customers in San Diego.
Present Perfect Continuous
Not used
Past Simple
He bought that painting last week.
Past Simple Passive
That painting was bought last week.
Past Continuous
She was buying a new car when he telephoned.
Past Continuous Passive
Not used
Past Perfect
Larry had bought the books before she arrived.
Past Perfect Passive
The books had been bought before she arrived.
Past Perfect Continuous
Not used
Future (will)
I think he will buy a present for Mary.
Future (will) passive
A new book will be bought for that child.
Future (going to)
The teacher is going to buy the books for the children.
Future (going to) passive
The books are going to be bought for the children.
Future Continuous
He will be buying groceries this time next week.
Future Perfect
They will have bought five new computers by the end of the sale.
Future Possibility
I might buy a new computer.
Real Conditional
If he buys that painting, he will be sorry.
Unreal Conditional
I would be sorry if I bought that painting.
Past Unreal Conditional
If you hadn't bought that painting, you wouldn't have lost so much money on the investment.
Present Modal
I should buy some new clothes.
Past Modal
They must have bought some new clothes.