افعال بیقاعده - جملات نمونه در تمامی زمان ها break
در این صفحه لیستی از حالت های مختلف فعل break در زمان های مختلف بصورت معلوم و مجهول آورده شده است.
Base Form break / Past Simple broke / Past Participle broken / Gerund breaking
Present Simple
Some glass breaks easily.
Present Simple Passive
This toy is often broken by children.
Present Continuous
He is breaking into his new job well.
Present Continuous Passive
The house is being broken into! Call the police!
Present Perfect
He has broken a number of records in his field.
Present Perfect Passive
That vase has been broken more than four times.
Present Perfect Continuous
Mary has been breaking open eggs for more than twenty minutes.
Past Simple
Jack broke that computer last week.
Past Simple Passive
That computer was broken last week.
Past Continuous
She was breaking open the champagne as I walked into the room.
Past Continuous Passive
The champagne was being broken open as I walked into the room.
Past Perfect
They had already broken into the house when the occupants arrived.
Past Perfect Passive
The house had already been broken into when the occupants arrived.
Past Perfect Continuous
She had been breaking open the eggs for twenty minutes before she began making the cake.
Future (will)
I think he will break that toy.
Future (will) passive
That toy will be broken soon!
Future (going to)
She is going to break that dish! Be Careful!
Future (going to) passive
That dish is going to be broken soon.
Future Continuous
I will be breaking into a new job this time next week.
Future Perfect
Your vows will have been broken by the time you read this letter.
Future Possibility
You might break that glass.
Real Conditional
If you do that, you'll break the toy.
Unreal Conditional
If she broke the vase, her mother would be very angry.
Past Unreal Conditional
If she hadn't broken that vase, her mother wouldn't have become so angry.
Present Modal
You must break this glass to get the fire extinguisher.
Past Modal
Jack must have broken this vase. He's so clumsy.