افعال بیقاعده - جملات نمونه در تمامی زمان ها begin
در این صفحه لیستی از حالت های مختلف فعل begin در زمان های مختلف بصورت معلوم و مجهول آورده شده است.
Base Form begin / Past Simple began[i/] / Past Participle begun / Gerund beginning
Present Simple
He usually begins work at eight o'clock.
Present Simple Passive
Construction is often begun before the plans are finished.
Present Continuous
We are beginning to understand the problem.
Present Continuous Passive
The report is being begun this very moment.
Present Perfect
Peter hasn't begun yet.
Present Perfect Passive
The report hasn't been begun yet.
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Simple
The school began to ask students to come earlier.
Past Simple Passive
The project was begun last week.
Past Continuous
They were beginning to eat as I arrived.
Past Continuous Passive
The book was being begun when I got to class.
Past Perfect
She had begun work before I arrived.
Past Perfect Passive
The project had been begun before he approved the final plans.
Past Perfect Continuous
Future (will)
It will begin soon.
Future (will) passive
The project will be begun by John.
Future (going to)
Oliver is going to begin a new job next week.
Future (going to) passive
The process is going to be begun next month.
Future Continuous
He will be beginning his new job in two weeks time.
Future Perfect
The concert will have begun by the time you arrive.
Future Possibility
The movie may begin soon.
Real Conditional
I will begin if he arrives soon.
Unreal Conditional
She would begin soon if they offered her the job.
Past Unreal Conditional
If it had begun earlier they wouldn't have finished in time.
Present Modal
I must begin working hard!
Past Modal
They should have begun the project earlier.