Using Reported Speech
نقل قول غیر مستقیم
تمرین 1: پاراگراف های زیر را که بصورت نقل قول غیر مستقیم هستند طوری تغییر دهید که شکل محاوره ای و نقل قول مستقیم به خود بگیرند.
Peter introduced me to Jack who said he was pleased to meet me. I replied that it was my pleasure, and that I hoped Jack was enjoying his stay in Seattle. He said he thought Seattle was a beautiful city, but that it rained too much. He said that he had been staying at the Bayview Hotel for three weeks, and that it hadn't stopped raining since he had arrived. Of course, he said, this wouldn't have surprised him if it hadn't been July! Peter replied that he should have brought warmer clothes. He then continued by saying that he was going to fly to Hawaii the following week, and he that he couldn't wait to enjoy some sunny weather. Both Jack and I commented that Peter was a lucky person indeed.
تمرین 2: سؤالات زیر را از دوست خود بپرسید. پس از اتمام آن مطالبی را که در مورد دوستتان دریافته اید به آن دیگری نقل کنید.
What is your favorite sport and how long have you been playing/doing it?
What are your plans for your next vacation?
How long have you known your best friend? Can you give me a description of him/her?
What kind of music do you like? Have you always listened to that kind of music?
What did you use to do when you were younger that you don't do anymore?
Do you have any predictions about the future?
Can you tell me what you do on a typical Saturday afternoon?
What were you doing yesterday at this time?
Which two promises will you make concerning learning English?