افعال مرکب برای ورود و خروج با In، Off و Out

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افعال مرکب برای ورود و خروج با In، Off و Out

Category Preposition Phrasal Verb Explanation Notes Example Sentence
Departures off to be off to places I'm off to the cinema.
Departures off to be off with time I'll be off in a few minutes.
Departures off to rush off to leave in a hurry He rushed off without saying goodbye.
Departures off to clear off to get out of the way They cleared off before the police arrived.
Departures off to take off used with planes The plane took off on time.
Departures off to see someone off used when accompanying someone as they depart I saw my parents off at the airport.
Departures off to scare someone off used when causing a person or animal to leave by frightening them. He scared other clients off and bought the bargain
Departures off to frighten off used when causing a person or animal to leave by frightening them. Jack frightened the birds off his vegetable patch.
Departures off to set off used when leaving on a journey of some kind. They set off early in the morning.
Departures out to start out for a place I started out for the mountain top.
Departures out to check out used when departing from a hotel I checked out of the hotel and left for the station.
Departures out to pull out used for trains when departing The train pulled out a few minutes behind scheduled.
Arrivals in to check in used when arriving at a hotel He first checked in at the hotel before going to the meeting.
Arrivals in to be due in used with trains, planes and people He's due in at six this evening.
Arrivals in to pull in used for trains when arriving The train pulled in right on time.
Arrivals in to get in used with trains, planes and people His flight gets in at 8 in the morning.
Arrivals in to come in used with trains, planes and people He came in just in time to speak with Mary.


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