ضمیرهای غیر شخصی: Gerund و It + Infinitive
دو جمله زیر را با یکدیگر مقایسه کنید:
Studying English is sometimes boring. و It is sometimes boring to study English.
هر دو جمله برای بیان موارد کلی و عمومی در مورد یک فعالیت (مطالعه انگلیسی)بکار رفته اند. در این بخش مروری داریم بر دو مثال:
gerund + مفعول + 'to be' صرف شده + (adverb of frequency) +صفت
adverb of frequency (قید تکرار)
مثال ها:
Playing tennis
is excellent exercise.
Reading English newspapers is often difficult.
It + 'to be' صرف شدنی + (adverb of frequency) + صفت + infinitive
infinitive = to مصدر با
مثال ها:
It is sometimes
exciting to walk in the pouring rain.
It was strange to say that Russian is
easier than English.
دو استثناء
پس از اصطلاحات It is worth و It is no use حالت -ing استفاده می شود نه مصدر
It is worth / It is no use + gerund + object
It is worth
driving to the lake to have a look around.
It is no use studying for this exam.
جملات زیر را به ساختارهایی با مفهوم مشابه با توجه به آنچه در این بخش ذکر شد تبدیل کنید. در این بخش کلیک کنید تا پاسخ های صحیح را ببینید.
مثال ها:
It is sometimes easy to forget your cell phone number.
Forgetting your cell phone number is sometimes easy.
Playing chess requires great concentration.
It is not easy to learn Chinese.
It is difficult to understand the motives of many politicians.
Interviewing applicants is often stressful and unrewarding.
Speaking English is always useful when travelling abroad.
It is never simple to move abroad.
Thinking about danger is often illogical.
It has been difficult to accept his death.
Flying to Africa will be great fun.
Working hard for so many years has been tiring for them.