پاسخ های تست های مربوط به افعال کمکی Auxiliary Verbs
He didn't come to school yesterday because he was ill.
She has been working in the garden since two this afternoon.
He had finished his homework by the time arrived.
I'm afraid I won't be able to come to the party. I have to study.
You've visited London, haven't you?
They're going to attend a meeting in Chicago next week.
Why did you buy that?! It's ugly!
She doesn't often go to the movies.
He isn't watching TV. He's doing his homework at the moment.
They've been playing tennis for two hours.
I don't like country music. - Neither do I.
They won't come to the party, will they?
Mom had been working for two hours when I telephoned.
I think they are fantastic! - So does she.
What are they doing?
Mary hasn't enjoyed herself so much for a long time. - Neither have I.
Mike didn't go on vacation last summer. He was too busy.
He's studying Russian this semester, isn't he?
I've just been to the bank.
How long have you been working for this company?
برای توضیحات بیشتر در مورد افعال کمکی به این بخش مراجعه کنید.
اگر تمامی این زمان ها برای شما قابل درک نیست، نگران نباشید. این جدول زمان ها حالت های مثبت، منفی و سؤالی زمان های مختلف را برای شما تشریح می کند. جدول خط زمانی یک مرجع تصویری دم دستی است که زمان های مختلف و ارتباط آنها با زمان گذشته، حال و آینده را برای شما مشخص می کند. در این خط زمانی حالت های معلوم، مجهول و ساده و استمراری بسته به جایگاه وقوعشان در زمان مورد توجه قرار گرفته اند.