The Queen Mary
Susan grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska, the heartland
the USA. She remembers playing in the corn
as a child, and seeing miles and miles
land stretching out as far as she could
. One day her aunt took her to see
1997 movie Titanic starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate
. She marveled at the sight of the vast
. It was something she had never seen before.
remembers turning to her aunt to say, "I'm
on a ship like that one day, auntie."
to her words, Susan left Nebraska, and moved
Los Angeles, California. She wanted to live near
ocean, and was delighted to discover the Queen
was permanently docked in Long Beach. The grand
, which has the same size of the Titanic,
now a museum and tourist attraction. She didn't
to book a tour of the ship. "This
wonderful," she thought to herself.
Upon arriving on
, Susan was not disappointed. It was everything she
it would be. The ship was restored to
original state, which was very luxurious. The tour
took highlighted the ship's history and importance over
years. She ate at one of the three
, and stayed the night in the ship's hotel.
Queen Mary was built in the 1930s in
Britain, and enjoyed many years sailing across the
Ocean. It was host to many dignitaries such
Winston Churchill, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor,
many Hollywood celebrities. During World War II, the
was assigned as a troop transport where it
used to transport up to 18,000 Allied soldiers
After the war, it was restored to
original state, and began its transatlantic travels. In
, the city of Long Beach purchased the aging
liner, and it has been a popular attraction
the city ever since. "It is living history,"
Susan, after her visit.