1. A Social Media Fast
Nowadays many people are social media fanatics. They
always looking at their mobile phones or tablets,
updating their Twitter or Facebook accounts. They are
pictures of what they eat, or taking pictures
themselves, which is called "selfies". When people are
oversharing, they are constantly reading or looking at
friends and family members are posting. Social media
becoming addicting.
Research shows that most people spend
average almost 4 hours a day on social
sites. That's almost 30 hours a week. While
people need and use social media for work
to stay in touch with friends, other people
that using social media so much causes anxiety
stress. People also tend to use social media
a way to procrastinate. So just as many
ask people to abstain, or not to have
foods or drinks for a certain time, many
are taking social media fasts. They are not
their statuses, and they are also not reading
other people are posting. They choose to stay
from social media for 30 days.
Ironically, the
of these fasts can be found on social
sites all over the Internet. The reasons people
a fast are varied. Some people want to
with their families or friends by disconnecting from
cell phones. Some people want to be more
at work. What did some fasters do instead
logging on? Some decided to connect with friends
actually sitting down and having face-to-face conversations. If
or loved ones were far away, they would
them on the telephone instead. Some even wrote
postcards or letters. The results were mixed. Some
felt that not using social media made them
anxious. Others developed more positive habits like journaling