53. Jane Fonda: American Patriot or Traitor?
1. Why was the American involvement conflict in Vietnam
- the public believed American involvement in Vietnam was
an immoral and illegal operation - because Jane Fonda said so
- a lot of Americans were Vietnamese immigrants
- both a and c
2. What was Fonda's position on the Vietnam war?
- she was neutral
- she was for it
- she was against it
- she loved it
3. What photograph ruined Fonda's career?
- a photo of her without makeup
- a photo of her hurting a Vietnamese soldier in the US
- a photo of her sitting with the North Vietnamese army on
an anti-aircraft gun - a photo of her stealing weapons from the US
4. In regards to the infamous photo, Fonda claimed
- that she regrets having taken it
- she was manipulated into taking it
- that she is proud of it
- that it is photoshopped
5. Why did people say that Fonda was a true patriot?
- she wore black, blue, and red almost everyday
- she fought in the war
- she spoke out against war
- she was Vietnamese