32. Board Game Night

A great American tradition dating back to the of the country is the board game night. is where two or more families get together someone's home to have dinner, and refreshments, and play games. This is an activity where almost can play. Most board games can be played children as young as 6, or 7 years . It is fun for the kids to test skills against their older brothers and sisters, or parents. One of the oldest and most popular games is Monopoly. It is a game where players start in the same place, and roll to advance from square to square.

Little Johnny to join the game one night, and asked parents if he could play. "Please, mommy. Please me play with you tonight," he pleaded. His thought about it for a while, and said, ", Johnny. Tonight you can play." She really didn't he was going to be able to play game, but to her surprise, he was very at it. The object of the game is bankrupt your opponents and have most money at end of the game. You buy properties with collected by moving around the board. The more you have in your bank, the more property can buy.

Johnny landed on the Boardwalk square, is a very prized property. It is the expensive property, but Johnny knew its value and it. The square is positioned at the end the game where everyone collects $200, but if land on it, you have to pay a rent. Johnny bought a couple of nearby properties , and before long, he was collecting rent from the other players. Johnny ended up winning the , which made him very happy, and it also his mom very proud of him. Johnny showed and everyone else what he was capable of.