24. Easter – An Important Christian Holiday
What does Easter celebrate?
- The start of the spring season.
- The resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- The publication of the Bible.
- The birth of the Easter Bunny.
What's the meaning of the word "mythology?"
- Stories written by famous people.
- Stories passed down from generation to generation.
- Songs passed down from parents to children.
- Songs sung among friends.
What other event does Easter symbolize?
- The beginning of the spring season.
- The sharp increase of egg sales.
- The ending of the spring season.
- The sharp decrease of egg sales.
What kind of holiday is Easter?
- A national holiday.
- An important Jewish holiday.
- An important Christian holiday.
- A commercial holiday.
What do people in New York City show off in the Easter Parade?
- Their hand-made floats.
- Their hand-painted confetti eggs.
- Their Easter Bunny suits.
- Their decorated Easter bonnets.