20. St. Patrick's Day – A Holiday to Celebrate the Irish
What is the origin of St. Patrick's Day?
- St. Patrick drove all the snakes into Ireland.
- St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland.
- St. Patrick was a snake lover.
- St. Patrick was the king of Ireland.
What is a common tradition on St. Patrick's Day?
- To wear blue.
- To wear purple.
- To wear green.
- To wear black.
Where does the biggest St. Patrick's Day parade take place?
- New York City
- Boston
- Los Angeles
- Chicago
Which people have not been allowed to be in the parade?
- African Americans
- Jews
- Homosexuals
- Mexican Americans
How do people make "Green Beer?"
- Regular beer with food coloring.
- Regular beer with vegetables in it.
- A special soft drink purchased from a supermarket.
- Adding harmless chemicals to a regular beer.